Thursday, October 22, 2009

Schematic diagram

Without the scheme does not understand the charts or diagrams schemes like blind people want to walk into town without a guide jakarta road. Similarly, a mobile machine is very complicated, of course, would be very difficult to repair while the phone is in mapping the damage, can-can without the aid of diagrams the scheme rather than the phone for the better but even more damage! Well, of course you by reading this book to be a reliable technician, then this material would be necessary in learning to mature.

Diagram scheme we will be able to know the path in the engine a very complex device and even small path can not be seen directly. different from other electronics, where the path-path will be easy to understand, because it is very apparent with the routes of and only have one layer line. Unlike the mobile machine which routes mobile machine is very small and even complex lines can not be seen directly, although if we look at machines such as mobile phones have only two layer lines (front and rear), of course not! mobile machine that has many layers in such a way set up, even the engine has up to 6 phone lines layer. Surely you can imagine, with many components and very little going on connect to each other put together a very complicated circuit, but PWB (board machine) is very small and limited in size so that size is not a great phone. Of course, the path is needed not only 1-2 but the path layer over 6 layers so that terbut pathways do not require land (area) is large.

Like what PWB phone and what the difference with general electronics PCB?
PWB stands for "printed wired board", board PWB is made of fiber glass in which there conducting wire to connect the many components that would be a circuit in one module intergrasikan. PWB and the PCB is almost the same function and type, the PCB stands for "Printed Circuit Board", PCB is usually only have up to two layers of 1 track placed on the front and rear surfaces. In contrast to the PWB phone has many layers of line, even more than 8 layers of lines arranged in such a way. Surely you can imagine a machine with so many mobile phones even a very small component size must be connected between the one with the other components into one integrated circuit in one module, whereas a very small phone PWB and limited in size. In order sizes are not a great phone, takes the path not only 1-2 layers up to 8 layers, but even more, so that these pathways do not require land (area) is very broad.

Very difficult to find their path without the aid scheme if the diagram, therefore the diagram scheme will help in repairing mobile phones, with a diagram of our scheme not only know the track but we can only know the type of component and unit value of its components, such as: the value of resistors, capacitors , type IC, etc.. Another function diagram of the scheme we will be able to know the layout of the components that will allow us to map out a system and damage to the engine mapping phone.

Diagram scheme we will be able to replace a component of the mobile cannibals, let's say we have a 6680 phone to replace the resistor, with a diagram scheme we can find common components of different type phone mengetaui by the resistor value. Although the agency does not have a resistor components or code statements resistance value, then the scheme we will be able to chart menggetahui component values that will be used.

There are many schemes that have been available charts, diagrams certainly one scheme only applies to one type of cell phone only. However, if you have mastered one type of mobile phone schemes diagrams only, then you will easily learn the scheme to the other diagrams.

"JUMPER" certainly not a foreign language again, the term of the jumper is to connect a broken line. Not a bit of damage to the machine caused the phone because there is a break point so that the phone can not function properly, the scheme will help us chart to find "Where the broken line will be interconnected again". Discussion of how jumpers I will discuss in the next chapter.

To be able to understand the schema diagram, then you should recognize: symbol components, the crossing point, the placement of components / layout components. Right now we begin to identify the first component symbol:

Damage PWB
1. Corrosion is often the main cause of damage PWB, PWB pathways very small and thin, due to corrosion terbutus path,
2. Konsleting, electronic short circuit can result in broken lines, as well as a fuse, when the electrical current through the wire / line exceeds the capacity of the lines will be burning even break,
3. The crunch is often caused by falling or thrown the phone can lead to hard PWB become crooked, the pathways are in the middle layer is very susceptible to bending,
4. Careless or wrong in doing soldering the lead terminals disconnected lines,
5. The use of solder or Hotair too hot or exceed the recommended temperature.